Sunday, February 15, 2009

We made it!

I was put in as the beehive advisor about a month ago, and last week I was teaching a lesson on womenhood and finding joy in your divine potential. I bawled through my whole lesson. I don't know if the girls could even understand me. I was so emotional. When my lesson was over I was talking to the other older women and the bishop that had sat in on the lesson about how i couldn't believe what an emotional mess I was and then it hit me. This is the start to the last week of my pregancy with Abbe. Well of course I was going to be emotional. I did really good for the next couple of days and Daniel being the great husband that he is was a huge help. Tuesday was the day in my current pregnancy that I lost Abbe. We stayed home together as a family all night and just spent time together which we don't get to do very off and we made it through! I am now passed the point when I lost Abbe. I am not in the hospital :) I am not having a single complication! Kolvin is already 5oz bigger than Abbe was when I lost her and is moving around like crazy! Most important I feel great, the baby is great, and we couldn't ask for more. Thank you for all your prayers on our little families behalf. We know that they have been a great help in getting us this far and will continue to help us as we push along for the next three and a half months:)


Unknown said...

yeah!!!! i can't wait to meet him!!! i'm so excited we'll have a friend for him too :)!!!

Matt and Jenni said...

That is so great!! Interesting how our bodies remember things better than our minds sometimes...I don't blame you for being emotional. :) And how lucky are you that you get to be in YW!!

BRITT said...

I can't imagine going through the loss of Abbe your family went through. I am sorry. Glad things are going smoothly for youwith Kolvin, and you were able to spend the day with your Family.

cortney and neil said...

I am so glad things are going good this time. And congrats on the boy.That is exciting.

Jessica Davis said...

I am so glad you updated! i have been wondering how things are going, since I never get to see you anymore :( I am so happy that things are going great and that Kolvin is growing big and strong. You are one tough cookie. I can't even imagine what you and your family went through when you lost Abbe. I wish I could have heard your lesson in YW. Don't be a stranger, come see me sometime!


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