Sunday, November 16, 2008

Daniel and I are going to twilight Saturday night with Cortney and Bryce...I can't wait!!! The boys kinda laugh at us but they are going to be great sports and brave the movie with us. I figured I had to re-read the book before the movie came out so I spent the whole weekend doing so...I am so EXCITED!!!
I'm a Esme! I found out through Which Twilight Female Are You? Take the quiz and find out!
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Matt and Jenni said...

Way to read the book again! I'm too afraid to....I don't want to remember all the little details and have it ruin the movie for me! I really want to read it before I see the movie though, so I will probably end up reading it again anyway. I'm so excited for this movie!

cortney and neil said...

I can't wait to see the movie. But I doubt that Neil will go with me. Congrats on your pregnancy. I am so excited for you. I hope everything goes good this time.

Kira said...

I am so jealous, I'm sure that is one I will be going to alone. JOsh thinks it looks dumb men they don't know anything about a good movie!


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